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Opening a player document

This is an example of how to open a document for a DocumentStore that deals with player data. Opening a session-locked document will enable autosaves. At the time of writing, these happen every 150 seconds. The following code should run on Players.PlayerAdded:

local document = store:GetDocument(tostring(player.UserId))
local result = document:Open()

-- DocumentService retries 5 times over 16 seconds, so it is safe to steal
-- after a failed `:Open`!
if not result.success and result.reason == "SessionLockedError" then
result = document:Open()

if not result.success then
if result.reason == "BackwardsCompatibilityError" then
"You joined an old server which does not support your saved data."
.. "Please try joining another server. If this persists, contact a developer."

if result.reason == "RobloxAPIError" then
player:Kick("Failed to load data due to a Roblox service issue. Try again later.")

`Failed to load data: {result.reason}. Please screenshot this message and report it to a developer.`

return false

You should close documents when a player leaves. Note that I have not created a player documents table. You should use :GetDocument to retrieve the document - there is usually no need to create a table to reference your player documents. See the API reference for GetDocument for information on when documents are garbage collected.