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Creating a DocumentStore

You need a DocumentStore to get documents to work with!

Here's an example of creating one:

type DataSchema = {
points: number,

local DataInterface = {
coins = Guard.Integer,

local function dataCheck(value: unknown): DataSchema
assert(type(value) == "table", "Data must be a table")
local Value: any = value

return {
coins = DataInterface.coins(Value.coins),

local store ={
dataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Test") :: any,
-- For mockDataStores use below!
--dataStore = MockDataStore:GetDataStore("Mock"),
check = Guard.Check(dataCheck),
default = {
coins = 100,
migrations = {},
lockSessions = true,

This example uses Guard.

You need to cast DataStore to any currently - while this library does dependency inversion properly - Roblox's Luau types don't work well with it!

Remember it is important not to create duplicate DocumentStores - they will be treated like separate sessions! If you need to access a DocumentStore from multiple scripts, make sure to create and return it from a module.